Tuesday, 7 February 2017

How to get a job at sephora (Part 1)

       So as an artist looking to jump start your career, you might be thinking how do I start?? or you are a makeup addict/junkie and you just love makeup and want to be around it. Well you stopped at the right blog.
       Compare to when I started working at sephora, a lot of things have changed. Rambling about that would be for another blog post. So the main things you need to know, is that all applications are online based. When you are applying for a position, you should always do your research about the company. There are different positions at sephora which include: cashier, skincare consultant, color consultant, operation consultant and fragrance consultant. Each world also has a member of leadership which includes positions like color lead, skincare lead, operation lead and fragrance lead. Each world also has a specialist depending on how big the sephora store you are applying to is, there are positions such as color specialist, skincare specialist and operations specialist. The last position would be the position of a store director. whewww that was a lot to type.
        Moving on...so the positons, I am referring to in my blog is for the consultants positions. Every applicant would usually have three interviews, the first interview which is always a group interview. The second interview would be one on one, most times with a lead or a specialist and the last interview would most likely be with a different specialist or a store director to get a preview of your personality before you are hired.
        First interview, Just like any other group interview. you have to come prepared. There's always that one person that repeats everything everyone says during their interview don't be that person. Always make eye contact with who ever is doing your interview, most times there's always two leads during the interview. SMILE SMILE SMILE!!! did I say smile yes smile. Sephora is always looking for people that have great positive energy that would keep their clients happy. They have some trick questions during the interview like

  • what frustrates you? This is a chance for you to say bad things about what actually frustrates you, but answer this question in a positive way. don't be deceived.
  • Tell me about your favourite supervisor and least favourite?  like i mentioned earlier be smart and avoid being negative especially talking bad about your past supervisor.
  • How do you deal with difficult customers? be respectful, they love people that value respect.
  • What kind of pace do you like to work in? sephora is all about multi-tasking and a fast-paced  environment but be flexible.
  • When did you accomplish something as a team? They want to see your team player skills so give examples of when you worked on a goal with a team. 
  • Have you ever had or experienced conflict with a teammate or supervisor before? this is not the time to say bad things about your previous job or current job or talk about people you didn't like. It is an interview so remember to always answer every question in a positive manner. 
My favourite question would have to be the one about, if you owned your own store and a customer drops her fragrance on the floor and brings it back to return it. Would you do the return for the client. According to sephora, your clients should always come first. So the answer to this question is YES!!! It builds loyalty when you go out of your way to please a client and that's what sephora is all about. I didn't know I had so much to tell you guys about my experience in the interview process. This is just a few of the questions I remember from the first interview. The second interview is going to be in a different blog post. 
Share in the comment box down below if this post helped you. I would also like to know how your interviews went.
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